Dang. I have done everything by the book and yet .... This is supposed to be easier than it is. I am not a newbie, use VI and have been supporting linux and unix for a decade. WTF? There are dozens of answers to this problem and none is like another. I could really use some help.


DarkEden Genesis’s picture

your host is blocking access.
you should enable it.

rdettwyler’s picture

ok. How do I do that?

DarkEden Genesis’s picture

Access your domain management (cPanel, Plesk) and enable it's access.

Also ensure your DB Name, DB User and DB Pass are right.

In place of use localhost, try to use your domain (mydomain.com).

rdettwyler’s picture

But I installed it at home on my Redhat server.

[rick@redhat ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost redhat localhost.localdomain linux www
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

dbuser = drupal
db = drupal
host = any

odduck2010’s picture

I was having the same problem. Go to phpMyAdmin page, click the Databases tab at the top, click Check Privileges for the broken database. Scroll down in the dialogue box and type in the mysql password you put in when configuring the wamp server program.