Hi all,

I have read several threads here and on google, but none have been able to solve the error I have with the category module for Drupal 5.1. It' pretty irrititating because so many other modules depend on the category:

user warning: Table 'myloc3_mysql.category' doesn't exist query: SELECT n.nid, r.nid AS node_id, c.*, n.title FROM category c INNER JOIN category_node r ON c.cid = r.cid INNER JOIN category cn ON c.cnid = cn.cid INNER JOIN node n ON c.cid = n.nid INNER JOIN node cnn ON cn.cid = cnn.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND r.nid = 16 ORDER BY cn.weight, cnn.title, c.weight, n.title in C:\drupal\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
user warning: Table 'myloc3_mysql.category' doesn't exist query: SELECT n.nid FROM node n INNER JOIN category c ON n.nid = c.cid WHERE n.nid = 16 in C:\drupal\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
user warning: Table 'myloc3_mysql.category' doesn't exist query: SELECT n.nid FROM node n INNER JOIN category c ON n.nid = c.cid LIMIT 0, 20 in C:\drupal\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
user warning: Table 'myloc3_mysql.category' doesn't exist query: SELECT n.nid, r.nid AS node_id, c.*, n.title FROM category c INNER JOIN category_node r ON c.cid = r.cid INNER JOIN category cn ON c.cnid = cn.cid INNER JOIN node n ON c.cid = n.nid INNER JOIN node cnn ON cn.cid = cnn.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND r.nid = 15 ORDER BY cn.weight, cnn.title, c.weight, n.title in C:\drupal\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
user warning: Table 'myloc3_mysql.category' doesn't exist query: SELECT n.nid FROM node n INNER JOIN category c ON n.nid = c.cid WHERE n.nid = 15 in C:\drupal\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.

What i've tried:
1) Deactivating the module and remove the folder. Then I reinstall it and only activate the category - same problem
2) I reinstall the database - same error
3) Removed other modules such as views, cck etc. - same error

It seems the .install file is not adding the table correctly. I've tried to add the table manual, but none of the syntax posted on drupal is working for me. HELP!!


storbaek’s picture

Can anone help?