adminrole 7.x-1.1

add new release from old -dev
- change delete all and insert to merge

adminrole 5.x-1.8

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--1-7:

  • by Dave Reid: Updated role permissions on module enable.
  • by Dave Reid: Use proper hooks for updating permissions when node types or CCK fields change.
  • #447940 by gcassie, Robin Monks, acrollet, Sweetchack, Dave Reid | Steve Dondley: Added variable for permissions to exclude from the administrator role.
  • #819324 by Dave Reid: Add a message about the new user role on install.

adminrole 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-2:

  • by Dave Reid: Updated role permissions on module enable.
  • by Dave Reid: Use proper hooks for updating permissions when node types or CCK fields change.
  • #447940 by gcassie, Robin Monks, acrollet, Sweetchack, Dave Reid | Steve Dondley: Added variable for permissions to exclude from the administrator role.
  • #819324 by Dave Reid: Add a message about the new user role on install.

adminrole 6.x-1.0

This release is just to "consume" the broken drupal-6--1-0 tag.

adminrole 6.x-1.0-rc2

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed a major bug and made various enhancements to UI, documentation and code style;

* #309393 by designerbrent: Fixed bug stopping permissions from being set on admin/build/modules.
* #315283: Added Adminrole module to 'Administration' package on admin/build/modules
* reformat README.txt and add example URL
* Make the name consistent throughout the UI
* #320756: Tidy up whitespace

adminrole 6.x-1.0-beta

Beta release of the 6.x version.

I think it all works, but don't have time to test extensively. Please give it a whirl!


adminrole 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

Here is a dev release. I think everything is in working order, please test and let me know

adminrole 5.x-1.5

New features
Bug fixes

At long last, a little cleanup of the 5.x version:

Changes since DRUPAL-5--1-4:

adminrole 5.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Wow, I should go to sleep. Stupid typos in previous release, sorry.

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