I cannot for the life of me figure out what is happening. The email address of the person signing up doesn't save to the database if Content Profile is being used on the registration page. If i deselect the "Use on registration" option on the content type being used, everything gets saved to the table.

Any guidance would be super helpful.


babycourageous’s picture

I traced this bug back to LoginToboggan. It had to do with the "Set Password" option in the LoginToboggan settings. This was not only thwarting DB saves but also mucking up form item weights resulting in a login form that was all rearranged (i.e. re-confirm email appearing 3 spots higher in form than email field).

I will search for this bug and post in the LoginToboggan issue queue if needed.


DevElCuy’s picture

I got same error but LoginToboggan is not being used. I'm tracking the error hope to find a fix soon.

DevElCuy’s picture

There are several ways to fix this issue, mainly because content_profile_registration changes the field weights. Make sure to follow the following guidelines to avoid conflicting and generate an unexpected behaviour:

1. Create a custom module specifically to customise user registration and content profile forms.
2. Such module should have a higher weight than content_profile_registration. Implement hook_install to properly do it.
3. In order to change anything except weights of your fields, DO NOT use form_alter. Instead just create #after_build callbacks, one for the user_register form, and other for every content profile node you would like to customise.
4. In order to change the weight of your fields, DO NOT use form_alter. Instead just create a #pre_render callback.
