I spent 2 days here playing around with trying for a dynamic title in views 3 based on a token field value. I can't figure it out.

I did however get the default current page url to push into the title which is something if I could remove the / and - in the url with spaces I would have a dynamic meta title,

But I sure wish I could just specify a clean title in views 3 with a token and overide the title.

Is there any documentation to try?

1. I set up a page with title
2. I see no defaults for views in your module configuration, so assume that relies on default.
3. Do I need some kind of contextual filter or something? or php in the header?
Ideally if a taxonomy ID is present in the URL as the first of 2 ex. dada.com/123/009

009 refers to another argument already set up, and 123 would be the argument so if 123 shows up go and get the name of that taxonomy ID and use that token in the views title.



cesanford30’s picture

OK I don't really know how its working but its working, so better leave well enough alone. Views 3 drupal 7.4 added a page with title, but not using it, then added page field to the field list on the main page, and disabled the view, then added %1 and %2 in the title for my variables from the URL and out spits a perfect dynamic title AND included in the meta tags for title.

But the breadcrumb leaves a nasty trail of home>%1 %2 whatever>%2 whatever > nice title whatever

So now to dig there unless someone knows right off the bat what to do.

Already tried an alias direct to the home page, but the trail is still there.
