
I was wondering how I can make my Drupal Installation look like the www.drupal.org!

I mean, how to make many articles figure out at the frontpage?



gushie’s picture

Not sure what you mean by "figure out".
If you want an article to appear on the front page, then when adding it/editing it, expand the "Publishing options" section, and check "Promoted to front page"

youssefaoun’s picture

In fact I have already promoted 2 articles at the same time to the frontpage and NOTHING has been done.
My frontpage is nothing more the "node/6".

I had to change the frontpage to "node" in order to let the "promote to frontpage" take effect.

Thank you

NancyDru’s picture

Set your default front page to <front>. If you have a "home" menu item, change it to the same.

Nancy W.
now running 4 sites on Drupal so far
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)

vickil5’s picture

I'm new at this, only been working with Drupal for a few days. Is there an easy way to make articles appear on other than the front page? I want trip reports to appear on a "trip reports" page, and news to appear on a "news" page, though I may decide to put news on the front page eventually. Or I may make the trip reports my front page, Drupal give so many choices!

Just wondering if I can do this with out-of-the box options, or if it requires modifying code.

Vicki L.

tm’s picture

try the "views" (think lists) and possibly "panels" (instant "regions" within content) modules. takes some getting used to, but unless you are a sql and theming wiz, these can be lifesavers.

between content-types and taxonomy, you should be able to filter in what you need.

good luck!

NancyDru’s picture

If you create a vocabulary that has those terms, then "taxonomy/term/xxx" will show you that kind of list. Very simple stuff. You can make it a bit fancier with Views, but the overhead of Views is really not necessary.

Nancy W.
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)
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