I want to modify the home page view so that it shows one full image node selected at random from an image gallery. So I clicked "Add" next to frontpage in Views and got it to work nicely (see http://inside.catlin.edu/w3/frontpage). The only problem is that my site's home page still shows the original, unmodified front page view (http://inside.catlin.edu/w3). How can I make my site actually use my new and improved front page view? Thanks in advance.



JohnForsythe’s picture

Drupal 4.7: admin > settings > general settings > default front page
Drupal 5.x: admin > site configuration > site information > default front page

Change the setting from 'node' to 'frontpage'.

John Forsythe
Blamcast - Custom theme design and more...

kassissieh’s picture

Thank you.