Several maps on the same site isn't this possible? And if yes what do I need to do, please?


tinem’s picture

I have read that it can functioning but each map needs to have a unique id - what does this mean and where do I give it this id?

mattys’s picture

you can

i did it here

i created lists of accommodation, etc. using views, then after installing gmap module, i could re set the style of lists from, for example, unformatted, to gmap, which then displayed the views list data as a map with flags for different accommodation

i also used quick tabs to display maps and multiple maps on one page

unfortunately, i don't think you will get far asking 'And if yes what do I need to do, please?', there is a fair bit involved, if you have never done it before, anyway, is fairly easy for me now as have done it a few times

i cannot give comprehensive details, would take too long here and now, but atleast you know it is possible

BTW - have only done this on D6, am setting it up on D7 now, even though version is still only dev, hope it goes ok