It would be great (and maybe it's alreasy possible) if stylesheets could be shared among multiple subthemes. I need this to apply different subthemes for site-sections and activate them with themekey module.
e.g. a youthsection on a churchpage could have a different look / sphere. A lot of styling will be the same, so I do not want to make the changes in all the subthemes.
If it is already possible, could you please give me a hint how to accomplish this.
If not, consider this as a feature-request please.


rhache’s picture

Hi flodo,

At this juncture, this is how I would tackle this problem:

  1. Create a regular LayoutStudio sub-theme. Let's call it "common", since it will contain the common CSS stylesheets
  2. Remove all of the CSS files in the CSS directory, and add a common.css file
  3. In the file, remove all other stylesheets, and add a line for the new common.css.
  4. Create all the sub-themes you need. For example, you mentioned a youth section, so perhaps a "youth" theme.
  5. Whenever you create a sub-theme, change one setting in the info file that is not in the instructions: change the base theme from "layoutstudio" to "common"

I don't want to judge how good your skills as a themer are, but you should keep in mind that there is a general tendency to want to use new themes for site sections too quickly, without really using the theme's features to it's full potential. A few of examples of what I mean:

  • Use the section body class: for example, if you have a "youth" section to your site, and everything that belongs in that section has "youth" at the beginning of it's path alias (ie, then you can utilize the "section-youth" body class that LayoutStudio provides.
  • If you need to change the layout per site section, the LayoutStudio Extras module can do that for you.
  • Create your own body class in a page preprocess function, or insert stylesheets dynamically based on page context.

Hopefully this points you in the right direction. Let me know if you get stuck somewhere.


rjay’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (works as designed)