ahah_forms 5.x-1.5-5

Bug fixes

Looks like Drupal doesn't generate form_token if the user is anonymous (which is strange, but might have to do with the security of the token generator?). So I needed to make that test conditional.

ahah_forms 5.x-1.5-1

Cleaning up a bad merge.
Still trying for a clean release showing how to use the ahah_forms_get_*_dynamic_subform functions.

ahah_forms 5.x-1.5

Oops, looks like 1.4.1 is not a doable version.
2nd try - Removed some debug messages, and added access control to todos

ahah_forms 5.x-1.4

Introduces ahah_forms_get_embedded_dynamic_subform and ahah_forms_get_prepped_dynamic_subform, as well as a new todos list example.

ahah_forms 5.x-1.3

Simplified views_ui modifications. New, ultra-simple example module, called simple. Changing visual effects & removing interface.js files

ahah_forms 5.x-1.2

Used jslint.com to get javascript working on IE7. Also added some nice "hold briefly" effects.

ahah_forms 5.x-1.1

Got Expose Filter working in PHP4. Also added js to uncollapse fieldset

ahah_forms 5.x-1.0

Maybe not ready for prime time, but worth checking out.
The version has added the ability to target multiple image buttons with the same class (needed by views_ui), refined the technique for only reattaching bindings to the html that has been replaced, and added a prototype for system-wide js->js binding declarations.

ahah_forms 5.x-1.x-dev

This is the first release of this proposed framework. It still has a lot of growing to do. See the read me and examples directory to get an idea you to use it.

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