
Question/Answer is squarely focused on allowing a community to ask and collaboratively answer questions. It provides a simple QA service available for D6 and D7. Documentation is available here.


Question/Answer has over 100 sites using it. It's strength lies in its simplicity. It offers a fairly simple QA service without many bells & whistles. It is actively maintained.


It has a simple interface. Question authors can select a best answer (although selecting one does not lock the question). It has an expiration feature, which is unique in the drupal QA modules reviewed so far.


It does not have many features. In particular, it lacks:

  • Views integration: there are no predefined views to list questions or answers
  • Search: there is no question-specific search function
  • Installation: it is slightly daunting to install ... requires manually adding fields to content types. That said, there are pretty clear step-by-step instructions telling how to do so.

Like most question-answer modules, not much attention has been paid to theming.


jcisio’s picture


About the lacking features:

- Views integration: question list is just a list of a node type, answered question list is just a list of nodes having answer field > 0 etc. By using basic core modules, Q/A has built-in Views integration.
- Search: again, search in Q/A section is simply a search for all content in a node type.
- Installation/Theming: again, this is supposed to be a module not a install profile. But I think you're right, Q/A could ship with a feature with a fully configured node type.