
I have read the remarks about the cities database: http://drupal.org/node/19983
I am working on an development aid website www.ontwikkelingswerk.net and would very much like to install the whole world as categories (category module 4.7 installed).

I want to connect the west with the east (Nepal as pilot) and would like for people to state where they write from with using categories.

The first I would like is that the whole category database is filled with the countries/regions/cities of the world.
I succeeded on a testsite to get the countries installed through xml_taxonomy module and the kind contribution in this thread: http://drupal.org/node/39732
But now I would like to also get the regions and cities in to give people more insight in each other livings.

Can you help me? Did somebody succeed in this allready? Do you know a xml_taxonomy file about this?
I saw a thread about an taxonomy server. Should we make this broader?
Are there people who would like to share their categories in xml_taxonomy format?

Thanks in advance,
www.ontwikkelingswerk.net (developing) , www.gratis-informatie.nl (developing) and www.best-information.eu (developing).
Lets make the world more free and equal.


Summit’s picture

Hi again,

I would to add on that the this is the cities database I am referring at:
The company MaxMind.com has agreed to release their cities of the world database under the GPL. The database contains locations by country, city, latitude and longitude. There are over 3,047,000 records in the database.
The database seems to be at http://www.maxmind.com/download/worldcities/.

The MaxMind site also offers FLOSS software free access to their GeoIP database.

As a way of giving back to the Open Source community, we offer a free subscription to GeoIP Country Binary API database updates for use by any widely used Open Source project for the purposes of selecting the closest download mirror. Companies such as Redhat, Mandrake Linux, and IBM that have contributed substantially to the Open Source movement are also eligible.
MaxMind also offers GPLed developer APIs in C, C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python to use their database.

It would be interesting to see how creative FLOSS software can get in using such a wealth of geographic data. We should all be thanking MaxMind for their generous contribution to the Opensource world.

Greetings and thanks for your reply!