In the documentation which explains the search engine tab, it shows there being more than two search engines to choose from. There is google, yahoo ask, etc. In mine there is only google and bing and they are check boxes one under the other. Also how can I verify that the site map is actually being submitted?


Anonymous’s picture

Title: Search engine submit problems » Documentation for search engine submission needs updated.
Category: feature » bug
Priority: Major » Normal

Documentation for search engine submission needs updated.

I'll have to review the code to answer your question. Hopefully Dave can respond to it since I don't have a round tuit at the moment.

Dave Reid’s picture

Yahoo does not support Search engine verification. You verify by looking at your logs (admin/reports/dblog) with type 'xmlsitemap'

njguy’s picture

So you can only submit sitemaps to google and bing with xml sitemap?

Anonymous’s picture

So you can only submit sitemaps to google and bing with xml sitemap?

No, you can log onto a search engines administration service and tell them about the sitemap.xml file; which is the preferred method. Anonymous submission of the sitemap should be removed in my opinion since anonymous submission can bring other headaches for the user such as the IP address being blocked from submitting anonymously because the submission happens more frequently than the service provider wants to allow it.

njguy’s picture

I don't even see where sitemap.xml is being generated, if anything this module is becoming a headache.

Anonymous’s picture

sitemap.xml is a dynamic report based on cache files stored in your drupal files location under a directory named xmlsitemap and is dependent on the settings you've provided to xmlsitemap. Note settings here doesn't entirely mean those included in admin/settings/xmlsitemap. It also includes some in the content type settings and the node page itself among other possibilities.