see this

you need to change the $requirements['http requests'] = array(
to something like $requirements['piwik http requests'] = array(


hass’s picture

Project: Piwik Web Analytics » Drupal core
Version: 6.x-2.1 » 6.x-dev
Component: Code » base system
Status: Needs review » Active

Never seen any issue myself and cannot repro. Sounds like a core bug or is there documentation that it is forbidden to have the same checks? I see no reason... If we have the same check it should only be done once like this check and the requirement check result should be used in all modules that use the same check.

Moving to core.

abaddon’s picture

its a bug in piwik, i dont want to dig through drupal api dogs, because you're right it might not be mentioned there, also see the linked issue and my comment - theres links to other modules that fixed this
to reproduce you need to make drupal's internal check for http requests checks fail, because you have that "if" in there:

      if (variable_get('drupal_http_request_fails', TRUE) && !system_check_http_request()) {
        $requirements['http requests'] = array(

something like putting the site behind a http auth password.. and then check the drupal status page, if the http request fails you will also have an entry on that page saying "Array()" and those error messages in the drupal recent errors log

hass’s picture

Title: piwik requirements breaks drupal core status page (overwrites 'http requests') » Same requirements breaks drupal core status page (overwrites 'http requests')
hass’s picture

Version: 6.x-dev » 7.x-dev

We need to see this in a bigger picture... e.g. 30 modules need to verify if they are able to issue HTTP requests with drupal_http_request(). This will timeout the page load. If the check is done only once, there is no problem. This may counts only for expensive checks, but as we do have them we need to solve this.

This was never a problem in D6 as I know. So it's a D7+ bug. Not sure why this was initially opened for D6.