Just spotted the Chip In on the front page of the module and noted it's about 45 days through the 90 day window.

Seems a whopping $10 has been raised.

I'm willing to donate, but don't want to toss my money down a hole so I'm starting this for some greater discussion and attention.

Here are some points:
- Who's willing to donate?
- Who has projects D7 coming on the radar where some of the cost of this can be built in?
- Is it possible to do more incremental work so the community can help ... i.e. $500 gets a basic conversion, so that if $2K in donations aren't there then at least community support can cary it the rest of the way.

Discus below.
Donate at http://kontextwork.chipin.com/wui-d7-port

*Setting to major, because, well, without a 7 port this module will soon be dead.


EugenMayer’s picture

Hey Ken, good call.

The plan for the port is pretty much there. WUI will most probably use the Media-Backend to reduce code-size and also play nice with a lot of other module integrated well. The main part of WUI in D7 will be "easy frontend" for easy uploading and maybe easy extension of meta-data as currently the submodules-API.

What i see currently, a lot of people are looking forward for a D7 port, but there is no will for chiping or actual real work. I have no issue with not getting any donation but in exchanged, the community is going to do the port. the only important part is coordination, so we dont create 5-forks with different approaches, different use-cases because we did not think about a common base at the start if the project.

So if there are people throwing in their man-power for the port, drop the chipin. We are not doing this chipin to earn any money, we are _much_ happier if the community helps doing the work.

On the other side, mostly people rather talk a lot about concepts, ideas and feature-request, but hardly do the real work after it. So it ends up being my job later, and thats not the deal :)