
Download webform-6.x-3.11.tar.gztar.gz 119.27 KB
MD5: 7f08d19042ce1f2100443146162746aa
SHA-1: 6bb9bb9f4e98bee6b56c2d1055356ce357ef484f
SHA-256: 06e53d2f70f24bae162e0bac0c55e84bee645e2ee2e5fa4805c3cf869a5aea1d
Download webform-6.x-3.11.zipzip 150.7 KB
MD5: 775a8408a240bf4b8bd9fa80857e2d9c
SHA-1: 247e5e35c86b4e201ac68b069445f83afe034d8b
SHA-256: 1f95932c50d03cc5e0fff954841517a6d219f1bdfa2a144c40a643fb5951da73

Release notes

The 3.11 release of Webform fixes dozens of bugs and adds a few small new features around handling of tokens and support for inline label positioning. This release also contains the security fixes from the 3.10 version, which was released at the same time. Upgrading is recommended for all Webform users.

New features:
#1087796: Allow altering of attachments in hook_mail_alter()
#1009240: Individual field inline-label support
#712060: Allow tokens in the redirect URL field
#1153496: Create tokens for %uid, %sid, and %nid. Improve token help.

Bug fixes:
#389282: Webform shouldn't lock the "webform_components" table on insert, use locking framework instead
#791104: Required "Select or other" prevents "Previous Page" button from continuing
#966028: warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty when using "Save draft" button with Select or Other...
#987782: Unable to use hook_mail_alter if mimemail is enabled
#928260: Tokens don't work in Webform Date or Time components
#1042642: Fieldset Titles Cannot be Hidden
#1137974: Webform submission titles aren't consistent across the View/Edit/Delete tabs
#1155020: Going "Back" then "Next" looses Select or Other values
#1124170: Errors on timefield with default value.
#1139058: Excluded components when nested are still sent in emails
#1087926: Webform refuses to use 'default template' when template fieldset uses CKEditor
#1092756: Unable to not have a default option for mandatory radio button group with a key of 0
#1144948: Unnecessary variables 'node_types' and 'components' created by webform admin form
#1096946: Required time fields will not validate if minutes are 00
#1126414: Image for popup calendar needs alt text
#1084634: webform_strtodate: $string is illegal "%date" value
#1101870: Node: Webform submission count not working
#1132358: hook_webform_submission_actions example in webform_hooks.php missing return
#1009262: "You have already submitted this form" message repeats sometimes
#992130: Configured file extensions on File component not accepted by core validation (Drupal 7 only)
#1043086: Include attachments and HTML e-mail options not working (MIME Mail integration) (Drupal 7 only)
#1134112: Grid options with a "0" key are selected by default (causes test failure) (Drupal 7 only)
#1096470: Outdated code in _webform_submit_file throws error when replacing files (Drupal 7 only)
#1145582: PDO error when getting submission count for anonymous users with no submissions (Drupal 7 only)
#1084464: Webform submission fails -- when pagebreaks & option 'automatically save as draft between pages' are on (Drupal 7 only)
#1091800: Notice : Undefined index: p2 in webform_component_list() (Drupal 7 only)
#1073270: Webform needs to flush Entity Cache after updating components (and e-mail configurations) (Drupal 7 only)
#1111092: Implement hook_field_extra_fields() for D7 (Drupal 7 only)
#1087856: Undefined index: 1 in webform_get_submission() after submitting form (Drupal 7 only)

#1151714: Grid component should use a #process function to expand itself
#1150576: The "time" component should use a #process function for expanding itself
#1149608: Switch Date Component to use only FAPI properties instead of referencing the component
#1078760: Coder module compliance and D7 style updates
#1087598: Mimemail API change

Created by: quicksketch
Created on: 18 May 2011 at 22:32 UTC
Last updated: 1 Aug 2018 at 22:49 UTC
New features
Bug fixes

Other releases