I've had some more time to work with this module, and I see some really interesting possibilities. Having the tweets come in as nodes is great, as well as the options to pull tweets from multiple users, search terms etc. I love the whitelist feature, too. Can't wait to see it pulling in photos from Twitpic, etc.

I want to point you to a tool that I use from Scribblelive that may give you some ideas on where this module could go. You can see the Scribblelive widget at work at http://carsonnow.org and a bigger version at http://carsonnow.org/live-news-updates

I started using this widget to liveblogging, but it's become so much more. It has really revolutionized the way we cover news. It pulls in tweets and displays photos, and let's us keep up with what is going on. We have had it running our this site for a month, and it's been a big hit.

The big drawback is the widget doesn't integrate with Drupal, so we don't have much control over the content. It all lives inside the widget.

What you have with Twitter Import is the start of what could mirror this paid widget's functionality, and maybe even improve on it. I think all you need to get there is a way to pull in new tweets quicker (without cron) and update the block view via ajax whenever a new tweet is posted.

When I was looking for a liveblogging tool last years, I found the Live Coverage module: http://drupal.org/project/livecoverage It has the ajax updating, but not the Twitter importing. Maybe this might be one way to get there. Also, maybe there is another way to refresh a view block via ajax that I haven't found yet. I hope to have some more time in the near future to see if I can incorporate some of these functions.

Thanks again on your work on this module. I look forward to seeing it advance.


fabianderijk’s picture

mmm this sounds interesting. I will see what I can do to implement something like this!