I add a proper img tag to the content in a page, and I make sure the image is present in the filesystem, confirm there are no permissions problems, the page saves fine, but when the HTML is served up for the page, the img tag is missing. I must have something configured wrong, but as a newbie, I can't seem to locate what I'm doing wrong. Help?

E.g. here is what the Drupal "edit" page shows when I edit the text for my home page:

<img src="/files/u1/OnTheRoad.jpg" alt="On the road" title="On the road"  />
<p>The (blah-blah-blah rest of content)</p>

And here is the filesystem listing for the files:

[root@nscyc html]# ls ; ls -ld files; ls -lR files
CHANGELOG.txt      INSTALL.pgsql.txt  LICENSE.txt      UPGRADE.txt  files     index.php    misc     profiles    scripts  themes      xmlrpc.php
INSTALL.mysql.txt  INSTALL.txt        MAINTAINERS.txt  cron.php     includes  install.php  modules  robots.txt  sites    update.php
drwxrwxr-x  3 apache wheel 1024 Feb  3 16:14 files
total 4
-rw-rw-r--  1 apache wheel 3012 Feb  3 13:56 garland_logo.png
drwxrwxr-x  2 apache wheel 1024 Feb  3 16:32 u1

total 122
-rw-rw-r--  1 apache wheel 12213 Feb  3 16:30 Beachside.jpg
-rw-rw-r--  1 apache wheel 19134 Feb  3 16:20 Logo-Art.jpg
-rw-rw-r--  1 apache wheel 74690 Feb  3 16:15 NSC-logo.png
-rw-rw-r--  1 apache wheel 14753 Feb  3 16:32 OnTheRoad.jpg
[root@nscyc html]# 

(Note: Permissions on all files are apache:wheel; the rest of the site runs fine, so in general, the permissions are right.)

Here's the HTML that is emitted to the browser:

  <div class="content">
    <p>The (blah-blah-blah, rest of the paragraph)</p>

Note the missing img tag.

So, what am I getting wrong? The img HTML isn't being shown to *either* logged in users, or non-logged in users.

First time posting here, so I don't know if I get email when replies are posted. If you know whether they do, and if no email is sent, if the answerer could stand it, I'd appreciate an email at batsonjay at mac dot com.

Thanks for handling a newbie issue.


nevets’s picture

Tryng setting the input format to 'Full HTML'. This should solve the issue.