eck 2.0.1-alpha1

  • Issue #3363498 by DieterHolvoet: Wrong return type hint on EckEntityInterface setters
  • Issue #3360396 by DieterHolvoet: Add more menu links
  • Issue #3372854 by DieterHolvoet: Set the new collection_permission in entity type definitions
  • Issue #3389717, #3387206 by Travis Porchia: Fix Spelling Errors
  • Issue #3369357 by RobLoach: Small Drupal 10 compatibility fix

eck 8.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

Fixes a backwards compatibility issue in 8.x-1.0-alpha4

Contributors (8)

legolasbo, aangel, Deasly, streger, rshafakian, diqidoq, LaravZ, creating types


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0-alpha4:

eck 7.x-2.0-rc10

Bug fixes
New features

A lot has happened in the last year and a half and a new release was long overdue. This release contains several bugfixes and improvements

eck 8.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features

A lot has happened in the past year and a half and a new release was long overdue. Alpha 4 fixes lots of bugs and cleans up a lot of code.

Contributors (37)

legolasbo, frob, rshafakian, SuerteRapida, joachim, daceej, akalata, kamkejj, LammensJ, manuel.adan, slydevil, bmcclure, handkerchief, MegaChriz, Renee S, Birk, Jaesin, Prashant.c, DeimoS, alanburke, cwells, nickvanboven, Matroskeen, pifagor, msankhala, nginex, alex_optim, OnkelTem, nnevill, liquidgnome, NickWilde, friera, Zemelia, c.nish2k3, Robin.Houtevelts, iamEAP, kgoel

eck 7.x-2.0-rc9

Bug fixes
New features

This release contains some bugfixes and small new features.

Changes since 7.x-2.0-rc8:

eck 8.x-1.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Alpha3 contains more refactorings and several bugfixes. Most notably the one described below.

eck 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Maintenance release containing a lot of refactoring and several bugfixes.

eck 8.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

First Alpha release of Entity Construction Kit for Drupal 8.

Contains basic functionality for creating custom entity types and entities. Please report any bugs you encounter or missing features for future version.

eck 7.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

- Fully featured administration UI for entity types, bundles and entities
- Helpful classes to manipulate Entity Types and Bundles from code
- Info arrays and plugin system to extend ECKs functionality

eck 7.x-2.x-dev

  • ECK nows required Ctools
  • Classes for Entity Type and Bundle manipulation from code
  • Uses plugins to easily add reusable functionality to entity type properties

eck 7.x-1.1-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

IMPORTANT: This release changes things in the database, I have tested in a site where eck data already existed and did not see any loss of data, but until further testing I recommend backing up your db, and using this new release with caution.

After putting the new eck code in place, run update.php to implement the db changes that are critical for eck-1.1 to work.

This new version of eck allows users to choose which default properties they want for their entity types, and also allows adding custom properties to an entity's type.

eck 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

ECK currently has the following functionality:
- UI for creating and deleting new entity types, including an overview table of all the entity types created with eck
- UI to create and delete new bundles in a per entity type basis. This also includes an overview page to see all of the bundles for each entity type

eck 7.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes

ECK currently have the following functionality:
- UI for creating new entity types, including an overview table of all the entity types created with eck
- UI to create new bundles in a per entity type basis. This also includes an overview page to see all of the bundles for each entity type
- UI for creating, and deleting entities. There is also an overview of all of the entities of a certain entity type and bundle. In the administration page for an entity type and bundle, you can manage your fields and display options if the "field ui" module is enabled

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