OK I understand how to include views in pages and blocks, and I understand the code in the View export menu...but what I want to do is customize the html that a view puts out.

For example, my block view, called recent_stuff, outputs this html...Ignore the details, but this is just to illustrate what I'm asking for

 <div class="block block-views" id="block-views-recent_stuff">
  <div class="title"><h3></h3></div>
  <div class="content"><div class='view view-recent-stuff'><div class='view-content view-content-recent-stuff'><div class="item-list"><ul><li><div class='view-item view-item-recent-stuff'><div class='view-field view-data-term-node-3-name'>Project | Slideshow</div><div class='view-field view-data-image-nid'><a href="/node/75"><img src="" alt="South Sac" title="South Sac"  class="image thumbnail" width="100" height="74" /></a></div></div>
</div> 		</div>

So obviously, the view code generates things like "div class='view view-recent-stuff'"...I want to rearrange how the div tags are done...Maybe output things in a certain table format so I can arrange an image and caption...how could I go about working with the php code that generates this html code from the view? What file would this be in?


dnguyen’s picture

ooops, left in the site's address. It's an internal address, so you can't visit it...

frippz’s picture

I'd like to know this as well. A lot of these divs that are ouputted are not needed by me and I like to keep my code clean. I realise that for some theme developers all these classes and divs can be used to style up the page, but I like to rely on specificity instead.

So, any chance you can clean up the output without being a PHP whiz?