
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download og-7.x-1.1-rc1.tar.gztar.gz 256.31 KB
MD5: e2713cc4f10403d8a05b5d1cf61b056c
SHA-1: 4beb74a74f5c51b02cee44590c7bdd4f04c31f94
SHA-256: 0a8dd1c8c921c16b1ea3a659376655dadfe8df4f40c6bceb4554bc0192448d94
Download og-7.x-1.1-rc1.zipzip 298.06 KB
MD5: 175e2aa45f868f889cd214594b3b36c8
SHA-1: f585131eac346e153d032f78c9a32ca1d69163a1
SHA-256: cf5bab59a181453e6a178b39114a35069392f74d42a6c1afff43ced1eada5336

Release notes

Release candidate 1 for 7.x-1.1 version.

Changes since 7.x-1.0

CHANGELOG for Organic groups for Drupal 7

- #1122290 reported by many, feixed by Amitaibu: Fixed After deleting a group
error on User Save.
- #1135370 by glennnz: Missing Membership Type in Views.
- Use group validate plugin to "Og-members" view, so we get the group label in
the title.
- Add Views group validate plugin, to allow converintg group ID to group label
for arguments.
- Use entity base table instead of entity-name to specify Views relationship.
- #1140532 reported by andypost: Remove leftover code after overhaul of
og-ui.admin people view.
- Standarize OG views' names and add "og" tag.
- Remove custom hook in favor of extracting data from entity-info.
- Change og-ui.admin query from EFQ to allow sorting of table, just as
user.admin module is doing.
- #1139178 reported by rashfeather: Fixed Managers doesn't appear as group
- Remove custom context plugin, in favor of CTools' implementation.
- Remove uneeded css wrapper from plugin.
- Re-recreate og-members view, with og membership relationship.
- Add group membership relationship.
- Add human readable name to views.
- Add request token to pending approval mail.
- Don't unset etid in metadata as it is used by views.
- Add "current-group" metadata.
- Remove tokens implementation in favor of the one added when enabling
entity-token module.
- Add metadata to get group membership from emtity.
- Overhaul Rules integration to better use entity-metadata, and better use
group-membership to act on user registration.
- Add 'options list' to entity-type metadata.
- #1128122 reported by enrico200165: Fixed 'Organic groups or one of its modules
needs to migrate data.' msg, never goes away.
- #1128834 by bwong: Fixed og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff() fails when
saving existing node after changing groups.
- Let user know they can disable og-migrate.
- Better message when og-migrate is diabled.
- Move og-migrate help to og.
- Add metadata "entity" type, to get the entity that is a group on run-time.
- Define the type for gid in metadata.
- #1125754 by smk-ka: Fixed og_get_group_ids() returns bad results.
- Remove rules example, as it is already on OG core.
- Re-export og-example page-manager using new context syntax.
- Make sure devel generate returns unique group ID per node.
- Better exception message on create group membership.
- Add devel integration for OG-audience field.
- Delete group membership of deleted entity - with tests.
- Add description to the example content types.
- Remove wrong user_load().
- Remove modules from OG core in favor of a single project for each one of them.
- Add user-groups default view.
- Revert accidental delete of hook_og_views_relationship()
- created is of type 'date'.
- Extend Entity API views-class, to get views relationship for "free". Extended
also MetaData class to better describe data of entity/ fields.
- Add dependency system to og-migrate plugins -- so each plugin will be executed
after prior plugins have.
- REmove a FIXME comment.
- Attach the fields to the user subscription form. This means that the user's
request to join a group is now saved with the group membership.
- Alter the default formatter of group field.
- Moving init values to create function, instead of constructor of group
- Add "Message request" field to the default group membership type.
- Fix og-register not attaching correctly.
- #1108244 by KristVB: Fixed organic group languages can make site unavailable.
- #1108172 reported by graphix12: Fix group register implementing wrong fields
- Remove obsolete widget info settings.
- Re-add a form setting that was removed by accident.
- Prevent notice on validate.
- Attach group membership fields to add-user form.
- #1107128 reported by giorez: Fixed Use of undefined constant
- Add og-migrate module, to handle any data transition that has no place in
- #1102522 reported by RobKoberg: Fixed call to og_group() has three args --
cannot 'Approve membership of selected users'.
- Prevent notice by initiazlize user request variable.
- Use a varialbe we set in the end of the upgrade_7001() -- #1098848.
- Remove hack -- we'll have ton find another solution to the tests.
- Fix wrong logic in temporary hack.
- Fix typo.
- Improve a bit the hack of checking of we are not in test mode for upgrade
7001. With current hack we don't hit the DB.
- User name is required to "add user".
- Pass the membership type fields along.
- Remove duplicate keys.
- #1098646 reported by animelion: Fixed Notice: Undefined variable: hook in
- Fix variable never being cached, and adapt test accordingly.
- Remove obsolete function.
- Move one static reset to group membership reset.
- Invalidate cache to allow test to pass.
- #1096808 reported by animelion: Fixed Notice: Undefined variable:
options_type() in og_field_widget_form().
- Fix typo in array.
- Add UI option to assign user to different group membership types.
- Pass group membership type correctly.
- Fix wrong description in group membership type form.
- Pass the correct state value as recived from the field.
- Fix typo in "created" variable.
- If state is different don't return result from cache.
- Change function signature to accept group ID first.
- Fix typo in comment.
- Change hook signature to accept aray, so it will be more flxibale when we
add more vairables.
- #1096276 reported by jastraat: PHP notices when editing group_audience field.
- Don't try to change schema of og-audience field. This leaves us with less
- Change hook signature to accept aray, so it will be more flxibale when we add
more vairables.
- Give variable better name, not to override an existing one.
- Fix wrong assertion result message.
- Remove debug function.
- Fix upgrade 7001 not iterating over multiple records.
- Move init of variables to constructor.
- API change: hange og_group() signature.
- Set the variable 7001 on install.
- Fail safe if schema isn't updated yet,
- Add missing foregin keys.
- Fix wrong key in entity keys.
- Fix entity label.
- Add UI controller for group membership type.
- Add group membership type class.
- Start adding og_membership_type entity.
- #1093170 reported by samudradaka: Fixed 'Add Role' allows blank role to be
- Assert the created time was updated.
- Remove obsolete define.
- Revert a change in og_group() -- keep moving the state via the field, so
people can easily interact with the field.
- Since we can not change the field schema we must still populate the fields
with non-null values.
- update_7001 tests are now passing. woot.
- Added workaround to make sure field schema is updated until the last minute.
- FIXME: The state and created are no longer loaded with the entity
- Fix field name in field key.
- Forgot to add the schema of the new og-membership table.
- Better DB dumo for test.
- First stab at upgrade path and test for group membership.
- Add file from last commit.
- Move UI controller to include directory.
- Add db dump for og_update_7001() test.
- More docs on how to create D7 dump file.
- Remove debug function.
- First stab at script for testing update_7001().
- Static cache should be aware to states.
- More work to move state into group membership.
- State is now a property in group membersihp not in og-audience field.
- Remove state/ created from field.
- Init group membership values in constructor.
- state and created are table columns not fields.
- Move hook_field_schema to .isntall file, as core does.
- Invalidate only part of the cache, for performace.
- Invalidate cache when deleting group membership.
- Fix tests -- one assert still fails.
- First stab at group membership tests.
- Fix CRUD of group membership.
- Fix module_invoke_all sending wrong value.
- Fix notice.
- Fix CRUD function of group membership.
- Use entity-type and etid for content.
- Add API to delete all membership by ID.
- Implement og_group_*
- Description was not correct.
- Better ID description in og_membership table.
- Adapt CRUD functions.
- Fix wrong primary key.
- Add group membership in entity_info and add UI to edit fields.
- First stab at adding membership entity.
- Adapt CRUD functions.
- Fix wrong primary key.
- Add group membership in entity_info and add UI to edit fields.
- Create the field holding the membership state.
- First stab at adding membership entity.
- Add default Rules to OG core.
- Invalidate only part of the cache, for performace.
- Invalidate cache when deleting group membership.
- Fix tests -- one assert still fails.
- First stab at group membership tests.
- Fix CRUD of group membership.
- Fix module_invoke_all sending wrong value.
- Fix hook_entity_presave to work with all entities not just user.
- Prevent notice when creating fiest group.
- Use entity-type and etid for content.
- Invoke hook_entity_presave only when type is user.
- Add API to delete all membership by ID.
- Implement og_group_*
- Description was not correct.
- Better ID description in og_membership table.
- Adapt CRUD functions.
- Fix wrong primary key.
- Add group membership in entity_info and add UI to edit fields.
- Create the field holding the membership state.
- First stab at adding membership entity.
- Fix notice when user request doesn't exist.
- Move rules integration for og_group and og_ungroup into hook_entity_presave()
where we can get exactly what was changed. og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff() gives all the changed group in an presaved entity.
- Remove _og_mail_text in favor of Rules integration.
- First stab at token and Rules integration to allow sending email upon user
subscribe/ unsubscribe.
- Change key name to 'og' in og_context JS.
- Remove automatic widget selection from radio/ checkboxes to select.
Now everything works with a select list. It's not up to OG core to deal
with this custom code. Fixed tests accordingly.
- Remove hook_field_widget_properties_alter(), as this is very custom case, that
shouldn't be handled by OG core.
- Remove outdated TODO.
- #1076938 by 404 and suggested fix by g089h515r806: Fixed Lost user/group
relationship after upgrading og 6 to og 7.
- Move validate handler declaration to hook_form_alter().
- Add foregin keys for og-audience field.
- Move variable to correct place, to fix last commit.
- Don't show block if user isn't allowed to create content.
- Add Plugin to provide access control based on user group membership.
- Fix typo in access plugin.
- Oops, make sure not to call a 2nd static variable, as the first one.
- Re-assing the altered permissions.
- Add the - None - option only if the field type has cardinality more then 1.
- Add workaround as it seems langcode isn't always passed.
- #1075504 requested by gorillaz.f: Added Hide the group audience field from the
user page, for non-privileged users.
- Make group entity fieldable.
- Minor - Fix PHPdocs
- Add example to hook_og_user_access_alter().
- Strip CVS keywords (previous merge from github re-added keywords by mistake).
- Stripping CVS keywords
- Fix notice when using wrong variable.
- Make sure alter hook is called when permission string is different.
- By Bricel: Fix typo in comment.
- Remove use of a un-needed variable.
- Fix api docs to show argument is passed by reference.
- #1070170 by recidive: Fixed Typo in Organic groups settings page title.
- Strip CVS keywords.
- Add missing dependency to views_content in example.
- Add missing dependency to panels in example.
- Adapt CRUD functions.
- Fix wrong primary key.
- Add group membership in entity_info and add UI to edit fields.
- Create the field holding the membership state.
- First stab at adding membership entity.
- Fix foreign keys syntax.
- Prevent notice in og_ctools_context_converter_alter() when context is empty.
- Prevent a rare notice by better checking empty value.
- Use drupal_get_destination() instead of hardcoding to ['q'].
- Fix typo in comment.
- Fix upgrade path test - If the member is pending then they have the anonymous
- Minor: Add missing space.
- Fix comments in rule file integration.
- Test re-adding hidden and selected group IDs.
- Move test to better group and rename the CRUD group test to CRUD + API.
- Remove todo comment, and add PHPdocs to validate handler.
- Keep track of group IDs a user can't edit, and make sure they are not deleted
when the group content is edited. Also provid defaults values to og_group().
- Remove entity_load() hack, as views now does entity_load().
- Add default values to og_get_entity_groups() to get current users groups.
- Check if author of node changed and if so susbscribe the new user.
- Remove audience option alter in favor of using the generic
- Allow implementing modules to alter the permissions of a user in a group.
- Fix page argument in hook_menu().
- Fix wrong path.
- Add global roles UI.
- Change function name, to conform to core (roles instead of role). Please clear
- Add css to place "Add role" correctly.
- Add missing dot in end of comment.
- Prevent notice with drupal_redner().
- #1059860 by jupeter: Fixed Missing dependencies: Options.
- Use theme_item_list to show node create links.
- Deprecate og-panels-example module in favor of og-example module, that has OG
related content types, Panels page and Rules example. This can be used as a
starting point for site builders.
- Add an API function and CTools plugin to show node create links. The module
og-create-links will soon be moved out of OG module core to contrib.
- Implement hook_admin_paths(). Thanks Gabor for the Brussels presentation
- #1037236 by radoeka| Amitaibu: Fixed Patch: add simple help page for OG.
- Oops, last commit hardcoded returned users.
- By Amitaibu and fago: Add get-members action to allow looping over members.
- Use ::access() API function to determine if we can show the group title, with
- Comments cleanup.
- Rename permissions' title from group to OG.
- Preform access check on group name in argument handler.
- Check if user can see node before showing a link in og-audience field.
- Be more carefull with last commit about what roles a pending member has.
- Fix context name in og_perm plugin.
- Add README to og-panels-example.
- Fix failing test - user roles on user should return all roles regardless of
user's state in that group.
- Reported by many fixed by Amitaibu - #1029230: og_field_access: Under certain
conditions, fields of non-group-content types are hidden erroneously. With tests.
- Another rename from group to OG.
- Rename group to Organic groups in menu.
- Add pager to peopels page.
- Let source node pass check.
- Move ctools context alter function around, and remove empty function.
- Use alter function provided by CTools' context system, to add converter list
functions, so OG can hook into the generic entity:group context plugin, and
add its converters. Updated Views and og-panels-example accordingly.
- Fix WSOD in tests as test module wasn't loaded properly.
- Change depenedcy to og_context.
- Add more panels plugins and context, and update og-panels-example with an
example for the group content type node view.
- Fix wrong view definition.
- Add OG panels example -- Example module to show integration between OG and
panels, and serve as a starting point to customize group display.
- Add empty text to og-nodes view.
- Re-export views, with content pane disaply.
- Add title to og-members view, and make the argument not use og-context.
- Remove wrong TODO.
- View handler was mistakenly commented out.
- Make sure a group isn't created for a translated node, and add tests.
- Minor cleanup.
- Fix menu item descriptions.
- Add UI to set group manager permissions.
- Allow adding roles to group manager via UI.
- Test adding non-existing user to group via UI.
- Test adding people via OG UI.
- Temporary fix to a test by cache clearing all static variables before running
test. Somehow this used to work before..
- Better fix for the failing tests.
- #1038502: Fix tests faliing due to a change in entity_feature test module.
- Add missing docs about states pramater.
- Disable field on translated node for group content as-well.
- Document hook_og_fields_info().
- Fix preventing editing of og fields on tranlated nodes, and adapt tests.
- First stab at better field translation handeling.
- Remove wrong TODO.
- Manually override roles and permissions, and add tests.
- #1020864 reported by hoomanb: Organics Groups Register doesn't show public
groups in Registration.
- #1032988 by agentrickard: Fixed og_context() menu item hidden.
- Remove debug function.
- Populate field with correct value (1 not TRUE).
- Add hack to force og-ui upgrade path to run.
- Upgade only if OG is enabled.
- First stab at og-ui upgrade test.
- Improve docs of dump file.
- Improve docs of scripts and dump file.
- Split script to OG-UI.
- First stab at upgrade of og selective states.
- Fix minor coding standarts.
- Use OG aPI to get selective states.
- Minor coding standarts.
- Add selective groups to dump db.
- #1029230 reported by sven.lauer: Can't unset group/ group content from node
type form.
- Followup on #1025030 API change - rename function names from og_users_roles*
to og_role*.
- API change! rename all function with prefix og_user_role to og_role, as in
some occasions they were mistaken to be hook_implementation of core modules.
- Re-commit reademe, and remove spaces.
- Revert "#1007286 by thijsvdanker: Improve readme on how to join a group."
- #1007286 by thijsvdanker: Improve readme on how to join a group.
- First stab at upgrade of og selective states.
- Fix minor coding standarts.
- Use OG aPI to get selective states.
- Minor coding standarts.
- Add selective groups to dump db.
- Add php doc to entity-metdata function,
- #995834 by radoeka and Amitaibu: Fixed Undefined index: label in
- #1020442 by bjalford: Fixed Minor typo in the README.txt file.
- #1017634 reported by AntNick: Fixed Quotes in group name.
- #1022176 by jyee: Fixed Attempt to create a field of unknown type
- #1020864 reported by hoomanb: Organics Groups Register doesn't show public
groups in Registration.

Created by: amitaibu
Created on: 4 May 2011 at 17:16 UTC
Last updated: 1 Aug 2018 at 23:53 UTC
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