Seems to me that i found a bug. Wherever you name a form element like:

//Problem #1
$form['element name with spaces']

the $form_values variable (in validate and submit hooks) gets empty for this element.

//Problem #2
 $form["check"] = array(
   '#type' => 'checkboxes',
   '#title' => t('Title'),
   '#description' => t('Description.'),
   '#options' => array('check with space' => 'Check with space', 'check_without_space' => 'Check without space'),

works wrong too, 'check with space' always empty.
People, please check this issue and write what something about it. I've found solution to problem #1by adding one line to

660 foreach ($form['#parents'] as $parent) {
661   $parent = str_replace(" ", "_", $parent); // I've added this line
662   $edit = isset($edit[$parent]) ? $edit[$parent] : NULL;
663 }

P.S. In drupal 4.7 all works great, so i think this is a bug
P.P.S. If someone already found it, please give me the link to issue, i can't find anything related to this problem on