Using the google_translations module, I've notice that creating a new translation through the dashboard does not create a new revision when node revisioning is one, it simply wipes out the existing content and overwrites it. Using node revisioning is desired because it allows for a more automatic system without deleting any human translation tweaks that may have been entered into the system.

Right now, if I had a workflow like this:

1) Create story node in English.
2) Use TM dashboard to translate to spanish.
3) Human translator tweaks translation to be more readable.
4) Original source node is updated.
5) Use TM dashboard to translate to spanish.

The human translated tweaks are overwritten and replaced by the new machine translation. Really, anything human modified should persist for historical purposes.


molenick’s picture

I also noticed that using the following workflow, hook_nodeapi is never invoked:

1) User edits an existing node w/ a machine translation generated through Translation Management.
2) User machine translates the newly edited node via the Translation Management Dashboard.
3) hook_nodeapi is never invoked.

I haven't dug in much further, but this has me suspicious that translations of edits are processed in a non-customizable way, since revisioning isn't done and hook_nodeapi is never invoked.