The "Read More" link doesn't seem to really know when the post has ended. I have the automatic break set at 800 characters. If the entire post is close to that, but still short of it -- it still says "read more". This is, of course, confusingn to readers since they click "read more" and all they get is the same article on its own page, but not a byte more of content.

I'm using Drupal's "Chamelion" theme.




Chill35’s picture

When you mean "short of it", you mean that there's no break, really ? The entire post is the teaser...? And still there is a "read more" ? If that's the case, then this is a bug and you should file an issue :


ToddZ-1’s picture

That does sound like what he's describing. I have about the opposite problem though -- I have a post or two on a 5.0 site which will only display the image at the beginning of the post, and none of the text, before the "read more". But it's not consistent. Weird.