Hello !!

I use the following structure :

1. creation of x new content, each content used for a site section. A content use some CCK fields, like "content" field for the description. Each content is not published and added to moderation queue.
2. creation of x multiple hierarchy vocabularies, contains terms. Each term is a sub-menu. Each vocabulary is specified for a distinct site section, and linked on the correct content (blog section linked to blog ticket content, etc...)
3. creation of x views with filters on Taxonomy : term of [vocabulary] is one of (all selected) used as home page of each section
4. creation of primary links menus pointing on views created in 3
5. creation of a "submenus" block with php script to display correct section terms switch displayed page. Submenus links use taxonomy/term/$tid path

a. I would like to display my tickets on listing pages like the "story" content, with just a part of teaser. With cck module, drupal display all the content with label. I think if I add some other fields, drupal will display all fields with all labels... Is there any possibility to display cck content like story content ? for example choose the field used as "teaser" ?

b. I would like to add real moderation on my fields. My site will be used by some users,.. "anonymous", "authenticated", "contributor" and "contributor Ok".
The third last roles must add new content. authenticated and contributor must post with moderation, contributor Ok can post without.
But I want to have for example 1 user can post into my three sections, another user can post into only blog section and another user can post into 2 sections. I have created some new content types with moderation reflexion.

But the problem is that if I log in authenticated user and add new content, it's not published in admin, but visible in public site... I don't have "create blog_ticket content with or without moderation" in access control page...

I don't know if there is a solution with specific module or configuration. If anyone can help me, It would be great :)

Thank you in advance,
