
DjebbZ’s picture

Just bumping the issue so I remember to take care of it.

DjebbZ’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

Complicated. I wanted to add the advanced help icon in the UI, but it looks like because the "Format" part is not a bucket (bucket are only related to handlers), including the inline advanced help icon means some refactoring (I'm sitting close to dereine in London, that's his thinking about it). It's at the end of the views_ui_get_display_tab_details function in

dawehner’s picture

Status: Postponed » Active

If you postpone things they could get into forgottenness.

So somethings which would be nice to do here:

This two things helps a bit better to understand the things which going on there.

  • Rename views_ui_edit_form_get_bucket to views_ui_edit_form_get_handler_bucket
  • Rename views_ui_edit_form_get_build_from_option to views_ui_edit_form_get_build_from_display_option

To be able to add this advanced help information it seems to be somehow really helpful to have something like this here

    if (isset($bucket['build']) && is_array($bucket['build'])) {
      // The third column is a CTools collapsible div, so
      // the structure of the form is a little different for this column
      if ($column === 'third') {
        $build['columns'][$column]['collapse'][$id] = $bucket['build'];
        $build['columns'][$column]['collapse'][$id]['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'views_ui_display_tab_bucket';
        $build['columns'][$column]['collapse'][$id]['#title'] = !empty($bucket['title']) ? $bucket['title'] : '';
        $build['columns'][$column]['collapse'][$id]['#name'] = !empty($bucket['title']) ? $bucket['title'] : $id;
      else {
        $build['columns'][$column][$id] = $bucket['build'];
        $build['columns'][$column][$id]['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'views_ui_display_tab_bucket';
        $build['columns'][$column][$id]['#title'] = !empty($bucket['title']) ? $bucket['title'] : '';
        $build['columns'][$column][$id]['#name'] = !empty($bucket['title']) ? $bucket['title'] : $id;

      if (module_exists('advanced_help')) {
        $build['columns'][$column][$id]['#item_help_icon'] = array(
          '#theme' => 'advanced_help_topic',
          '#module' => 'views',
          '#topic' => $id,