I have a pretty simple article site. There are articles (text pages), there are categories of articles (index pages). Typical Drupal stuff.

Now, what I want to do is, on the homepage, I want to show four lists of links to the most recent articles in four of my categories, with an image and a caption for each article. So each article would need a "homepage thumbnail" associated with it, along with a caption text.

Obviously, I could do this by making the image+captions in totally separate nodes, and the authors would have to do the association URL linking by hand. But you see where I'm going- I would *like* it if my writers could write the caption and upload the image on the same node creation form that they write the article. And not have to manually link the two themselves- it would just happen automatically.

This is a beginner question but I'm very skilled in php, 5+ years of it, thanks,



drubeedoo’s picture

For 4.6.x and 4.7.x, you can use the Inline Module found at http://drupal.org/project/inline to get you started. You simply upload the image (using the core upload module) as an attachment and include the [inline:x] tag in your body. The image will display in both the node and home page.

As far as showing it in columns with only a caption, you might need some custom code in a tpl.php file. You may also want to look into the Views module and Panels module.

Rotwang’s picture

But I don't want the homepage thumbnail image to display in the node. That's the problem.

I have the img_assist for displaying inline images in the body.

Rotwang’s picture
