I have a content type that, using SWF Tools, plays uploaded mp3 files using the (apparently built-in) XSPF player. The mp3 files play with the "Button" form of the player correctly, but I want to use the "Slim" version of the player, that has many advantages.

Switching from the "Button" to the "Slim" versions of that player didn't turn out to be as simple as I was hoping, so I'm turning to you for help. What's the easiest way? I tried simply extracting the "Slim" version into the player directory, but it couldn't find the mp3 files. I tried alot of things but it didn't work out.

Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: The "Button" version that comes with SWF Tools is just one SWF file called "generic_mp3", while the "Slim" version that comes from the XSPF website comes with ActionScript files and other, they're not so similar, I'm really out of ideas...


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Aaaand bump... still no help or any interest of helping in any way by anyone in charge of this module or aware of the solution... which is great!