Hey there :)

Many sites have this ~bug:

This is caused by line 499 in taxonomy.install:

'label' => 'Taxonomy upgrade extras',

and is caused by upgrade from D6 to D7.

Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks :)


valk’s picture

Ok, this is an awkward solution, but it works.

You need phpmyadmin...

1) Enable the editing of BLOB: http://drupal.org/node/1060028#comment-4199552
2) Choose (click on) the table: field_config_instance
3) Click on the Search tab
4) Enter Taxonomy upgrade extras in the data field, for the Operator, choose LIKE %...%
5) Click on Go.
6) Edit all the data blobs, and replace Taxonomy upgrade extras by anything you like.
7) Update the number to the length of the new string.

The new BLOB data should look something like this:

a:6:{s:5:"label";s:8:"Taxonomy";s:8:"settings";a:1:{s:18:"user_register_form";b:0;}s:11:"description";s:44:"Debris left over after upgrade from Drupal 6";s:6:"widget";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:21:"taxonomy_autocomplete";s:6:"module";s:8:"taxonomy";s:8:"settings";a:2:{s:4:"size";i:60;s:17:"autocomplete_path";s:21:"taxonomy/autocomplete";}s:6:"weight";i:1;}s:7:"display";a:2:{s:7:"default";a:5:{s:5:"label";s:6:"inline";s:4:"type";s:28:"taxonomy_term_reference_link";s:6:"weight";s:2:"10";s:8:"settings";a:0:{}s:6:"module";s:8:"taxonomy";}s:6:"teaser";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:28:"taxonomy_term_reference_link";s:6:"weight";i:10;s:5:"label";s:5:"above";s:8:"settings";a:0:{}s:6:"module";s:8:"taxonomy";}}s:8:"required";b:0;}

sillygwailo’s picture

If you want to avoid editing the database directly, here's a way to fix this problem using the interface (always the best option with Drupal, since then Drupal can do all the checks it needs to make):

  1. click Administer > Structure > Content types
  2. in the content type you see this behaviour, click "manage fields"
  3. for the term widget, probably labeled "Taxonomy upgrade extras", click the "edit" link
  4. make the changes to the label you need to make. You will probably want to remove or change the description too
  5. save the field, then take a look at a post or two in the content type to verify

(Username formerly my full name, Richard Eriksson.)

orb’s picture

It is not fix bug!
This rename taxonomy field!

foupfeiffer’s picture

I had the same problem, googled and stumbled across this thread.

To improve on a previous answer

admin/structure/types/manage/story/display = Manage display(active tab) and choose "hidden" (i.e. I named my Taxonomy stuff "tags")