Just like we did for Private Message and Userpoints, we should add clickable and sortable column headers for the relationship tables listed at /relationships (including the tables at sub-tabs like "/relationships/requests" and "/relationships/[rid]"). Once a user has more than just a few relationships and relationship types, it gets difficult to find the relationship you're looking for without some type of sorting. (Imagine if you had hundreds of relationships like the typical Facebook account).



Berdir’s picture

Thought about this while working on #1102476: Revamp relationship listings the problem is that basically the only column that we can sort is relationship type and we already have the separate tabs for that (and an issue to add a select filter instead).

We can't sort by the users, because depending of which way round the relationship goes (to you or from you), the uid of the other user is in a different column. Instead, maybe we can add a way to search for users?

BenK’s picture

I see what you're saying. Yes, a way to search for users would be good... perhaps something similar to how search works for Private Message.

But there's another issue here: Even if the headers aren't clickable or sortable, the relationship tables don't have any column headers at all at the moment. I think it sort of looks weird without anything in the column headers at the top of the tables.


Berdir’s picture

Yeah, that's fixed in the linked issue :)

BenK’s picture

Thanks, I've just tested that linked issue.

Do you think we should create a separate issue just for searching for users? There's two types of user search we need:

a) Searching amongst your friends
b) Searching among all users so that you can request friend relationships

Maybe this should both be done from the same user interface?
