Learn how to add a additional icon set to Country Icons.

6.x-1.x and 7.x-1.x

@todo: text ...

6.x-2.x and 7.x-2.x

In this version of Country Icons, icon sets are modules.

Create a new module, if you don't know read this. In this example our module will be called countryicons_iconset_example

Use hook_iconset_info() to define you iconset to Country Icons.

function countryicons_iconset_example_iconset_info() {
  // key for the iconset should be uniq from the other iconsets.
  // you could use your module name, but it's not necessary
  $icon->key = 'example_iconset';
  // name for the iconset, could be passed throught t() to translate it
  $icon->name = t('Example Iconset');
  // a short description about the iconset
  $icon->description t('This is a example of an iconset.');
  // width of the images
  $icon->image_width = 16;
  // height of the images
  $icon->image_height = 11;
  // file extension for the images
  $icon->image_extension = 'png';
  // path to image folder, do not include ending "/"
  $icon->image_path = '';
  // do this iconset supports CSS sprite technique?
  $icon->sprite = TRUE;
  // if $icon->sprite is TRUE
  // you need to set the path to the css file for the CSS sprite.
  $icon->sprite_css = '';

  return array($icon->key => $icon);

All icons name should be in lowercase and is is recommendet to be PNG (or GIF). The name should be the ISO*** 2-digit country code.

A 'unknown' image should be created that are in the same size as all the other icons and should be transparent.

@todo: complete text.