
I'm looking for a simple way to build a view that would show the 'latest promoted nodes' with the most recent promoted nodes on the top. Each new promoted node would arrive at the top of that list.

How is it possible to achieve such a listing, views does not seem to do it, as I don,t want to sort nodes by creation date.

Is this possible?



mooffie’s picture

[...] as I don't want to sort nodes by creation date.

The 'node' table has another field: time of last change. Whenever you submit the node editing form, this field is updated. You can instruct View to sort by this field ('Node: Updated Time') instead of the creation date field ('Node: Created Time').


there are two ways to promote a node: either using the node editing form, or via the administrator's interface (q=admin/content/node). This latter method does not update the aforementioned 'last change' field, so you'll have to stick with using the node editing form to promote posts.

patchak’s picture


Thanks for the answer, I should have added more details to my request...

I could, as you say, order nodes by last change date.. but the issue here, is that the users can edit their own nodes!!!

So if users edit their own nodes, and I filter by last change, then a user could simply edit his node to stay on top of the list!

So using last change date is not a good solution at all, as node creation date.

It surprises me that there is no 'promoted date' variable in drupal to build such lists.