geofield 8.x-1.57

Bug fixes
New features

Removal of (deprecated) watchdog_exception in favour of \Drupal::service('logger.factory')->get('geofield')
Fix the Geofield Geolocation.
Issue #3276574 by tobiasb: Disallowed or malformed HTML in german translation .po file
Issue #3360474 by, itamair, sakthi_dev, nitin_lama, Shank115, arti_parmar, apaderno: Fix the issues reported by phpcs
Issue #3402400 by, itamair: Adopt GitlabCi
Fix ESLint Issues in geolocation.js
Issue #3402434 by itamair, Fix the issues reported by PHPStan

geofield 8.x-1.56

Bug fixes
  • Issue #3390164 by JeroenT: TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in Drupal\geofield\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\GeofieldLatLonWidget->massageFormValues()
  • Issue #3395401 by joseph.olstad: fieldset was removed arbitrarily with no issue number reference in commit fdf69a53094 , restore expected markup
  • $defaultTheme set to 'stark' in GeofieldWidgetTest
  • General Drupal and PHP Coding standards fixes and code refinements.

geofield 8.x-1.55

Bug fixes
New features

Geofield Feeds Integration: Added Instructions in Summary for Geofield Feeds Target (Issue #2952745 by chrisgross: Feeds integration: add a mapping target for geofield)

geofield 8.x-1.54

Bug fixes

Issue #3378136: Deprecation warning: passing null to trim() in GeofieldProximityArgument::getParsedReferenceLocation()

geofield 8.x-1.53

New features

Ludwig support updated to itamair/geoPHP version 1.5

geofield 8.x-1.52

Bug fixes

Issue #3334995 by acbramley: Field label is missing on single cardinality fields using lat/lon, dms, and bounds widgets
Tests fixed: $modules property must be declared protected.

geofield 8.x-1.51

New features

Geofield support to Feeds: NULL values in Lat/Lon fields won't import any Geofield value
(Issue #3221940 by cmchurch, itamair: NULL values return 0 when imported via Feeds)

geofield 8.x-1.50

Bug fixes
  • Added fallback text field area and warning to Geofield Widgets not supporting geometries (Issue #3333015 by itamair, Vincent Rommelaars: GPX LINESTRING() data altered to POINT() when re-saving node)
  • Refactoring of geofield_proximity library into geofield_general one.
  • geofield.views.schema.yml fix (Issue #3300774 by Kasey_MK, dpagini, itamair: Geofield views schema issues)

geofield 8.x-1.49

New features

Issue #3327487 by itamair, Michelle: (Miles/Kilometers) Proximity Units selection in exposed filter

geofield 8.x-1.47

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3319940 by mably, itamair: Geolocation should work with HTML button elements

geofield 8.x-1.46

Bug fixes

Issue #3315303 by tcrawford, itamair: Error: Call to a member function getParsedReferenceLocation() on array in Drupal\geofield\Plugin\GeofieldProximitySource\ContextProximityFilter->getOrigin()

geofield 8.x-1.45

Bug fixes

Issue #3308297 by timwood: Exposed proximity field value must be positive
Drupal/Php Coding standards minor fixes

geofield 8.x-1.44

Bug fixes

Further fixed PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"
- Issue #3299818 by jessehs: PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"'
- Issue #3299813: Undefined array key "field_geofield_proximity_op" when using proximity filter on (at least) non node entity

geofield 8.x-1.43

Bug fixes

Further fixed PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"
- Issue #3299818 by jessehs: PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"'
- Issue #3299813: Undefined array key "field_geofield_proximity_op" when using proximity filter on (at least) non node entity

geofield 8.x-1.42

Bug fixes

Fixed PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"
- Issue #3299818 by jessehs: PHP Warning in proximity filter when field is not "field_geofield"'
- Issue #3299813: Undefined array key "field_geofield_proximity_op" when using proximity filter on (at least) non node entity

geofield 8.x-1.41

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3283332 by Pasqualle, itamair: Malformed HTML in form description
Issue #3287728 by Project Update Bot: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes
Issue #3280708: Geofield views schema issues
refactored composer.json file to remove "phayes/geophp": "^1.2" and require new "itamair/geophp": "^1.3" library (, fixing issue #3294152 by itamair: Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility on fwrite(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($data) of type string is deprecated

geofield 8.x-1.39

Bug fixes

Issue #3114979 by lamp5: Missing schema for views plugin

geofield 8.x-1.38

Bug fixes

Issue #3249140 by chucksimply: Contextual Proximity Filter: If no lat/long values, notice appears

geofield 8.x-1.37

Bug fixes

Issue #3264184 by Eric115: Static value in GeofieldProximityArgument causes incorrect results when view rendered more than once

geofield 8.x-1.36

Bug fixes

Issue #3256644: Deprecated function: fwrite(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($data) of type string is deprecated in geoPHP::detectFormat()

geofield 8.x-1.35

Bug fixes
  • Issue #3231299 by el7cosmos, vdsh, itamair: Lat/Long not set if one of the 2 is precisely 0
  • Issue #3248718 by omkar.podey: Missing mapping for Geofield Map ,throws warning while migration

geofield 8.x-1.34

Bug fixes

Issue #3223984 by itamair: Notice: Undefined index: lat in Drupal\geofield\Plugin\GeofieldProximitySourceBase->getHaversineOptions()

geofield 8.x-1.33

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3220860 by paul121, itamair: GeofieldDefaultWidget Geometry constraints validation
Issue #3222174 by paul121, itamair: Translation for Latitude and Longitude
Issue #3223984 by itamair: Notice: Undefined index: lat in Drupal\geofield\Plugin\GeofieldProximitySourceBase->getHaversineOptions()

geofield 8.x-1.32

Bug fixes

Issue #3216608 by m.stenta: GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY causes Error: Call to a member function getX() on null

geofield 8.x-1.31

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #2969564 by batigolix, itamair: How activate PostgreSQL/PostGIS Storage in Drupal 8
GeofieldBackend settings moved into GeofieldItem Field storageSettingsForm.
Addition of Description attribute into GeofieldBackend Annotation, so to be able to describe and list available Geofileld Storage Backends specifications.

geofield 8.x-1.30

Bug fixes
New features
  • Enhanced implementation of GeofieldBackendPluginInterface, GeofieldBackendBase and GeofieldBackendDefault.
  • Correct implementation of geofieldBackend plugin service and GeofieldBackendPluginInterface::save in Geofield default widgets.
  • Definition of a Geofield Backend storing values in EWKB Format, suitable for PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
  • html description update
  • Code cleaning and refactoring

geofield 8.x-1.22

Bug fixes

Issue #3207216 by m.stenta, itamair: LatLon schema error: settings.output_escape missing schema

geofield 8.x-1.21

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3207216 by m.stenta: LatLon schema error: settings.output_escape missing schema
Issue #3207078 by m.stenta: Add support for centroid WKT in LatLon formatter
Issue #3205143 by m.stenta, shabana.navas, itamair: Patch added to latest version
Issue #3205143 by shabana.navas: Patch added to latest version

geofield 8.x-1.20

New features

Added support of Ludwig module/project (Issue #3119331 by devad)

geofield 8.x-1.19

Bug fixes

Issue #3194593 by lunk rat: PHP 8 TypeError when calling abs()

geofield 8.x-1.18

Bug fixes
New features

Geofield Rectangular Boundary Filter & Argument handlers implemented
Issue #3110969 by super_romeo, itamair: Proximity filter: correct AND condition on valid destination coordinates

geofield 8.x-1.17

Bug fixes
New features
  • Issue #3094659 by itamair, martinst, ken-g, mmaranao: Extend Feeds plugin to allow import of WKY and GeoJson
  • Issue #3153344 by rutiolma: The "default" plugin does not exist
  • Issue #3188857 by cmarrufo: Latitude and Longitude should be translatable strings
  • Issue #3187233 by 2pha: D7 to D9 upgrade geofield not detected
  • GeofieldItem better Backend select decription of the Default Backend
  • Issue #3175597 by paulocs: drupalPostForm in functional tests is deprecated
  • GeofieldProximityFilter better refactoring

geofield 8.x-1.16

Bug fixes

GeofieldItem update for better isEmpty() defintion.
WktGeneratorTest updated

geofield 8.x-1.14

Bug fixes
New features
  • Set correct core compatibiity with Drupal ^8.8 & ^9.0
  • Issue #3074552 by glbr: Migrate WKT directly
  • Issue #3072779 by piggito: Add missing setting to config schema for "Raw Output" field formatter

geofield 8.x-1.13

Bug fixes

Issue #3132020 by RdeBoer: Auto-geolocation of visitor broken. JavaScript exception

geofield 8.x-1.12

Bug fixes

Issue #3125933: Update to Geofield 1.11 failed: better handling of exceptions in GeofieldItem.

geofield 8.x-1.8

New features

GeofieldProximitySourceManager: added support to hide a GeofieldProximitySource from UI Selection.

geofield 8.x-1.7

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #2825635 by Sam152, timwood, 2pha, hussainweb: Implement a migrate cck field plugin for migrating from Drupal 7 to 8 and test the existing process plugin;
Issue #3097292 by 2pha: GeofieldWidgetTest broken;
Issue #3091862: ERROR: Drupal\geofield\Plugin\GeofieldProximitySource\OriginFromProximityFilter not able to calculate valid Proximity value in Drupal\geofield\Plugin\GeofieldProximitySourceBase->getProximity();
- better Validate the Origin (not null) value, when the filter is required;

geofield 8.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Geofield storage definition reverted to precision = 18 and scale = 12 (would need an update_hook otherwise)

geofield 8.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Geofield storage definition reverted to precision = 18 and scale = 10 (would need an update_hook otherwise) - 'Issue #3083328: Mismatched field definition reported after updating to 8.x-1.4

geofield 8.x-1.4

Bug fixes

GeofieldProximitySourceBase: Better check on invalid proximity origin
Issue #3065776 by itamair: Client Location Origin Geofield Proximity Source not only exposed
Geofield storage definition lowered to precision = 12 and scale = 10 (Issue #3057111 by mikedance: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column 'field_lon')
Geofield storage definition lowered to precision = 12 and scale = 8
Issue #3053372 by AdamPS, itamair: Proximity filter must handle geocode failures

geofield 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Issue #3041549 by itamair, AdamPS: Proximity filter must handle geocode failures.
Required origin handles also the case of address (geolocated) origin.

geofield 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/GeofieldDmsWidget.phpGeofieldDmsWidget & src/Element/GeofieldDms enhancements and fixes:
- Generate a valid Geofield only if the DMS coordinates are valid, otherwise delete the entry.
- Generate a default entry that is empty and not 0, 0 , 0 (that would create a new geofield on every save)
(Issue #2142071 by holist, itamair: Allowing coordinate entry in degrees-minutes-seconds DMS format)
Issue #1840894: Add documentation on how to save a Geofield programatically.


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