
new user to drupal here.... pretty much new to the science of server admin too.

I've set up my local machine (Mac OS X 10.2.3) with its standard Apache install (v1.3.26), PHP install (v.4.1.2), and MySQL (I installed v3.23.39). I got several of the sites that I normally work on (on external servers) up and running locally (woohoo!). This includes several databases and stuff, so I know that everything is up and running properly.

Anyhoo - I installed drupal (v4.1.0) and it works except for one thing. It doesn't mail anything! I was able to create user #1 becuase it actually told me the password, but if I try to create a second user, it says the bit about mailing the password, but the mail never arrives.

I'm guessing it can't find sendmail or something because this is OSX and things seem to be in a different place sometimes. I couldn't find a place to set the sendmail location in the conf.php file, so I am lost. I did a search on the forums here and found a comment about /var/spool/ but that looked pretty clean.

any ideas? THANKS!


craigh’s picture

OK, so I have since discovered that the reason it isn't working is because sendmail isn't on.... but knowing that hasn't helped. I've found 3 or 4 spots online which details on how to get it up and running , but none of them have worked and I read something about having 'just' and IP address was a bad thing. Is it impossible to set up a local dev box that sends mail?

Boris Mann _Old Account_’s picture

If you've got sendmail turned on, things should be working. Here's a long O'Reilly article that should help.

Basically, the chmod g-w on / and /Users mentioned at the beginning should be enough. If you still can't send/receive email, see if your ISP blocks port 25 (the SMTP port used for sending mail).

Boris Mann

craigh’s picture

Thanks so much for your help. The article really did point me in the right direction. I discovered that in order to do a few things in the article you must have the Apple developer tools installed (doh!) and that's why all my previous attempts to follow directions were failing. So, for posterity, if anyone finds this and goes to that article... install the dev tools first, then carefully follow directions. it works! Only local images are allowed.

adrian’s picture

I should mention that it is apparently a bad idea to do the chmod thing , as apple's updates change the permissions back again ..

The relative links i found on the subject state that changing the permissions is like 'shooting a mosquito with a shotgun' or something

And the one i followed that made it all work

I should note that i had to uncomment 'sendmail_path' or somfink from the php.ini , restart the server.. and then it all just started working.. (YAY!).

One problem i have though , the php they have here :

Includes xmlrpc functionality .. that made includes/ die on load.. so i copied the file somewhere else, made a null file (essentially deleted the contents of .. and the system runs fine.. ofcourse all the xmlrpc stuff isnt working .. but atleast the system is loading up right.

Fink is a godsend.. i have never actually seen a mac os x machine in my life, but i am setting this all up via ssh . and osx' bsd internals make it a pleasure to work with.