webform_civicrm 6.2.3

Bug fixes

Include Regression fixes

- Fix contact sub type custom field load - https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pull/831
- Fix fatal error when relationship filter is added on contact field - https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pull/835

webform_civicrm 6.2.2

Bug fixes

This is a D9 release - it is compatible with CiviCRM ESR - CiviCRM stable

webform_civicrm 6.2.1

Bug fixes

This is a D9 release - it is compatible with CiviCRM ESR - CiviCRM stable

webform_civicrm 6.2.0

Bug fixes
New features

This is a D9 release - it is compatible with CiviCRM 5.35.* - CiviCRM 5.47.*

webform_civicrm 6.1.0

Bug fixes
New features

Contains bug fixes + new functionality + more automated (Functional Javascript) testing πŸŽ‰ Tests: 51, Assertions: 1259 βœ… To view all (recent) changes -> https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

webform_civicrm 6.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

First official full D9 release πŸŽ‰ now featuring many more additions to automated (Functional Javascript) testing: Tests: 46, Assertions: 1124 βœ… To view all (recent) changes -> https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta8

Bug fixes

More bug fixes πŸŽ‰ and many more additions to automated (Functional Javascript) testing βœ… To view all (recent) changes -> https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta7

Bug fixes
New features

More bug fixes πŸŽ‰ and many more additions to automated (Functional Javascript) testing βœ… To view all changes -> https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta6

Bug fixes

More bug fixes πŸŽ‰ and many more additions to automated (Functional Javascript) testing βœ… To view all changes -> https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

Please note: as of 8.x-5.x-beta5 this module now requires 'drupal/webform:^6.0'

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Numerous bug fixes πŸŽ‰ and additions to automated (Functional Javascript) testing βœ… To view them all -> please see: https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+...

Contributors to this release: maynardsmith, mattwire, jitendrapurohit and KarinG - Thank you also to everyone reporting/detailing issues.

Please note: this module now requires 'drupal/webform:^6.0'

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta4

Bug fixes
New features

Highlights: added Functional Javascript Testing infrastructure [test matrix includes ^D8.9, ^D9.0 and CiviCRM 5.32 + 5.33 (rc)], made Webform CiviCRM Contribution configuration independent of CiviCRM Contribution pages πŸŽ‰ + ongoing refactoring of old includes into proper D8/D9 services.

Add first Membership (Free) test. 8.x/9.x has test
#422 by KarinG was merged 18 hours ago

Fix javascript error due to incorrect path. 8.x/9.x bug
#421 by KarinG was merged 15 minutes ago

Remove doTransferCheckout 8.x/9.x bug
#420 by mattwire was merged yesterday

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

D8 - Use entity functions to save custom data 8.x
#371 by jitendrapurohit was merged 2 days ago

Migrate contact_component.inc to services 8.x
#367 by jitendrapurohit was merged 9 days ago

Fix activities_assignee help. 8.x
#363 by KarinG was merged 14 days ago

Migrate help inc file to services 8.x
#362 by jitendrapurohit was merged 12 days ago

D8: Issue with translations and creating groups 8.x
#361 by kewljuice was merged 19 days ago

Webform 6.x compatibility 8.x 9.x
#359 by MikeyMJCO was merged 22 days ago

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Checksum port edits 8.x
#341 by KarinG was merged 7 hours ago

D8 port of membership_activity_fix 8.x port
#340 by KarinG was merged yesterday

group_subscriptionnotice_fix 8.x
#339 by KarinG was merged yesterday

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Add CRM.payment.getTotalAmount() function (fix for PayPal / Stripe) 8.x port
#334 by mattwire was merged 2 hours ago

Fix Custom Groups Missing for Contact Subtypes. 8.x bug
#333 by KarinG was merged 5 hours ago

Tooltip refactor 8.x cool stuff
#330 by jamie-tillman was merged 2 days ago

Support computed elements across multiple pages 8.x bug
#328 by KarinG was merged 2 hours ago

More tooltips 8.x
#327 by KarinG was merged 11 days ago

Add help tooltip - for Contact -Label 8.x
#326 by KarinG was merged 14 days ago

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

D9 porting weekend 8.x 9.x
#314 by KarinG was merged 2 hours ago

Make sure recurring amount always equals first amount; also calculate… 8.x
#313 by KarinG was merged 13 days ago

Replace old D7 functions and deprecated node_load (for D9 readiness) 8.x 9.x
#312 by KarinG was merged 10 days ago

D8port pr245 8.x port
#309 by KarinG was merged 7 days ago

Add ability to create new case based on existing case no. 2 (updates #250) 8.x port
#307 by bmango was merged 17 days ago

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Second alpha release! Most reported errors are resolved but there are most likely still outstanding known issues and features yet to be ported from 7.x-5.x

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

First 8.x-5.0-alpha1 release! Most reported errors are resolved but there are most likely still outstanding known issues and features yet to be ported from 7.x-5.x

webform_civicrm 7.x-5.0

New features

First release of the 7.x-5.x series.

7.x-5.x versions of this module are a drop-in replacement to 7.x-4.x. There are no breaking changes or database upgrades required.

5.x drops support for older versions of CiviCRM (requires at least CiviCRM v5.12). It cleans up some old code, improves stability and introduces minor new features, but otherwise you are unlikely to notice a difference between the two.

Going forward, all new features and improvements will go into the 5.x series.

webform_civicrm 8.x-5.x-dev

Current 8.x-5.x-dev code - lots of functionality has been been ported over. Give it a try!


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