block_instances 6.x-1.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-1.0-beta3:

  • #1103130: Block Instance on admin hover links superimpose view admin links
  • #1170956: Roles conditions doesn't work
  • #1170860: Don't use md5 for views block deltas
  • Updated grammer and copy of help files

block_instances 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

This release is not recommended for production sites.

If you are upgrading from beta 2, you need to run update.php

block_instances 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

a739fcb Added advanced help
a01a25b Display only the regions with editable content when configure block instances
0a5aa68 #1072970 - New drush command. Move a block from one region to other region
3e85f43 Improve region conversor. Use static for variables to load block instances
42d39b4 #1076424 - Render each block instance with an unique id
59382fe #1076408 - Fatal error in admin/build/block/list
eba1deb #1076436 - Blocks instances were rendered twice if the regions in code and in the database were different
b8c4cd6 Wrong boolean operators in sorting function

block_instances 6.x-1.0-beta1

This is the first beta for this project. Only for testing purposes, not recommended for production sites, but with a high level of functionality and stability.

At this point new features are considered, so please, if you have some ideas about what would be nice to add to this module, create a new feature request.

All the features mentioned in the home page of this module are working, Drush support only provide 3 commands: list, enabled and disable block instances.

block_instances 6.x-1.x-dev

Development version of block instances. Do not use in productions sites.

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