Hi everybody.
I'm kinda new to the Drupal scenes so don't be cruel :-)

I'm building a website, and I want it too have a news-site layout like www.TheOnion.com
My main question is how can I get the latest added article to my php code? right now the site just shows all of the articles at the main page with the same layout, as if it were a blog. I want to be able to customize each article headline and teaser in the way of my choosing. How can I do that?


tcblack’s picture

Take a look at the themes, there are a couple of good clean four column layouts.
You might consider starting with Channel Nine.

- Truth Is Still Truth, Even If You Don't Believe It

gumbotron’s picture

Has some good documents on theming and customizing Drupal.

Getting started with Drupal explains and gives some examples of node_hooks and theming, including getting certain data into your teasers and node types.

Theming with CSS is another good one to get you acquainted with using CSS to design the way the changes look.

An easy way to have latest articles or other groups of nodes listed how you'd like is to install the views module, create a custom view or edit an already made view, put it in a block and place the blocks where you want.