One of my client sites has been getting a lot of hits like these lately:

All of these are from the same IP. The frequency seems to vary, but is often as much as several per minute. I have tried blocking the IP, which solves the problem temporarily, but then it just starts back up again within a day or so, from a different IP.

This is the first time I've had to deal with this kind of spam, and I wanted to ask what modules or techniques are the best to handle this.

I have found lots of posts about comment spam, but am having trouble finding information about this particular problem.

Scott Nelson


snelson’s picture

I did a lookup using osx Network Utility on the IP, and its saying that it is googlebot? Why would googlebot be doing this, if it even is really googlebot?

snelson’s picture

I installed the Spam and Badbehavior modules, but the seem to have no effect.

reggie75’s picture

try adding a robots.txt file disallowing the bot?