I am displaying portrait and landscape photos in a slideshow, the landscape photos are fine, but the portrait ones align over to the left. I have tried using css but I'm pretty sure this is javascript?

I am a noob to javascript so need some assistance if anyone can help, or point me in the right direction I will try figure this out myself. Maybe if someone could confirm that this is infact a javascript doing this

An example of what I mean is here




mcfilms’s picture

Try adding this to the bottom of your style.css file. You can also override the picture border-style:none if you want here.

.views-field-field-image-fid img {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

A list of some of the Drupal sites I have designed and/or developed can be viewed at motioncity.com

Joe Huggans’s picture

Nope its still the same.. :(

mcfilms’s picture

Well it is not getting picked up so it's not showing on the page. Are you familiar with Firebug? It allows you to "peak" at the CSS used by every element on the page. Worth watching a video or two if CSS is giving you pains.

I don't usually recommend hacking the module's CSS because when you update the module you'll over-write the CSS changes. However, just to get it to work you could replace what's around line 121 of the file at: sites/all/modules/views/css/views.css with the above.

A list of some of the Drupal sites I have designed and/or developed can be viewed at motioncity.com

Joe Huggans’s picture

Yeah that's not working either, I have replaced the code you mentioned but still it aligns left.

Hmmm. :|

mcfilms’s picture

I see it in there now. Weird that it is not working. I'm sure some uber-Themer could take a look at that and tell you exactly what's wrong. Me? I just work my way up the CSS tree and try and put that code in different divs. Maybe I'd try .views_slideshow_singleframe_teaser_section next. Then maybe #views_slideshow_singleframe_div_portrait_page-block_1_0

A list of some of the Drupal sites I have designed and/or developed can be viewed at motioncity.com

Joe Huggans’s picture

Have you managed to align center using firebug?

Joe Huggans’s picture

found a way to do this !

.views_slideshow_singleframe_slide {
left:50% !important;
margin-left:-465px;/**Half of the total desired width of the div**/
width:930px !important;/**The total desired width of the div**/

MickC’s picture

Thanks joeuk - I got this going but didn't setting left margin that way pushed the image left. I changed the left margin to 0 and it worked. My slideshow view is inserted in a panel page, and the CSS is just added in the general settings for that page. Cheers.

sah62’s picture

Could I ask someone to take a look at what I've done and help me understand what I've done incorrectly?

I'm trying to center my images horizontally. I've created a custom theme in sites/all/themes, including a css file that looks like this:

.views_slideshow_singleframe_slide {
margin-left: 0px;/**Half of the total desired width of the div**/
width:100%; /**The total desired width of the div**/

Images are still left-justified. Here's the slideshow:


I'm trying to see what's what with Firebug, but I'm still a noob with it and I don't see my stylesheet listed when viewing the page source.

sah62’s picture

I got this to work, but I'd like to understand if there's another way to do it without modifying any of the core theme files. Here's what I did:

  1. Created a new css file (call it my.css) in the Garland theme directory that contains the above style.
  2. Modified garland.info to include my new css file (I added stylesheets[all][] = my.css after stylesheets[all][] = style.css)
  3. Cleared cached data and my browser cache.
  4. Reload the page - and the images are centered.

I had previously tried to add the style to the end of the Garland style.css file. For some reason that didn't work.

So - its there a way to do this without modifying garland.info or Garland's style.css files?

mazke’s picture

you edit the wrong css file, it should be in views_slideshows.css not in your themes css

mazke’s picture

sah62 post, give the solution, but it must be place in views_slideshows.css not in your themes css

i use singleframe then i put sah62 edited line in:

Drunoober’s picture

Meaning all the images align center correctly except the first one in the list.

Summit’s picture

Hi, How about in views_slideshow 3.dev?
greetings, Martijn

Drunoober’s picture

I forced the content to be displayed in a table by formatting the output of one of the fields and centered everything in the table. It all works... still don't understand why the center tag do not work for the first content.

HudsonKotel’s picture


it's uses basically a how center images , and it can take a server timestamp to start with. The css can also be easily modified to one's own likings.


sainf’s picture

joeuk solution work's well, but if we have only 1 image, the parent div has no css from the views slideshow module.

I found the solution by creating a template of "views-view-fields--(our view name).tpl.php" in the theme, and warping the $field->content; with a div.

my example:

<div style="text-align: center;position: relative; width: 700px;">
    	<?php print $field->content; ?>


kriskendall99’s picture

This worked for me.

    right:0; left:0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width:/*Insert Div Width Here */;
cyberfrog’s picture

hI have recently installed a slideshow and like others its justified tot the left. As a newbiw to drupal and css does this code views_slideshow_cycle_main_slider-block.views_slideshow_cycle_main.views_slideshow_main.viewsSlideshowCycle-processed a standard name i.e. Its dot nothing to do what you called your slideshow? What file do you add this code to? Is there no other way to do this without coding?

Also, I notice a dotted line when you hover over the slidehsow, how can use change the images to fill up the entire dotted block?


VM’s picture

CSS is added to your custom.css file in your subtheme.

Separate questions deserve separate threads. As such, I've only responded to the question that pertains to this thread.