I posted this as a comment to http://drupal.org/node/40684 which essentially outlines how to create a new simple node type.

I appreciate the knowledge and was able to create a new node type just fine.

Here's my question: Can I make the content created by my new simple node type visible ONLY to certain types of users?

Here's what I would like to be able to do: get registered users (and anonymous users for a transition period) to be able to create content using the new simple node I have created; HOWEVER once they create/submit it I want it visible only to a few roles of users and NOT to everyone. I also want to be able to have the permitted user roles be able to search this content as well. I do NOT want the material "published."

Essentially I am using this node type as a way for people to submit writing entries which will then be viewed by judges. The judges then decide what gets "published" or is made visible to everyone.

This seems a complicated matter or is it? I believe I am asking that a user be able to create content in this node but NOT be able to view it once submitted. The submissions, meanwhile, could only be viewed by those user roles defined by the administrator.

Thanks much in advance.

geoff gevalt


cog.rusty’s picture

You can go to administer>>settings>>content types (/admin/settings/content-types) and set up your node type as "unpublished". So, anything which users post will not show.

Then a user role with "administer nodes" permission (in /admin/access) can look at the nodes in administer>>content (/admin/node) and change them to "published".

Because the "administer nodes" permission is too strong (it allows to do anything with any node), if you don't trust your judges so much you can use an additional module to do this. See the 'modr8' module for something similar to what you described:


ChrisKennedy’s picture

Workflow might be what you want: http://drupal.org/project/workflow