This is a feature request for Storm Team to support the module

Expected feature result

First scenario where Storm Team support notifications_team module
1. You have a Drupal site with 10,000+ registered users
2. You have a Storm Team with 75 people in it
3. You create a ticket
4. You edit the ticket. By default notifications_team is already check for the ticket author.
5. This is were the feature request came in. Storm Team would pre-populate notifications_team with the Storm Team members. There are 75 of them. By default only the author of the ticket you be check. But you could easily add or remove anybody with a check or uncheck next to their name. notifications_team also offers two additional very handy options
* Send to all (This means check all Storm Team people)
* Do not send notifications for this update.

Second scenario where Storm Team does not support notifications_team module. This is the current setup.
1. You have a Drupal site with 10,000+ registered users
2. You have a Storm Team with 75 people in it
3. You create a ticket
4. You edit the ticket. By default notifications_team is already check for the ticket author. Also the 10,000+ are available. Usually an auto-complete field is presented.
5. To add the 75 others people to the notification you have to add them manually one by one. This is very long and boring ;) Plus because the auto-complete search the 10,000+ user available you get lots of unwanted auto-complete results.

Note that notifications_team already support Storm Team. But this feature request is for above first scenario. Not to confuse with a feature request to support notifications_team.

The code is already done for Organic Group support for notifications_team. Maybe some of this code could be recycle for Storm Team?

Any volunteer for a patch? I would be happy to contribute testing and documentation.


Francewhoa’s picture

In my above scenario I used Storm Ticket as example. But notifications_team module also works with Comments or any Content Types. Such as: Storm Timetrackings, Tasks, Invoices, Notes, Projects, Expenses, Knowledge base, etc.