Hi, I would like to disallow posting links in a certain content type, or for a certain usergroup, how can this be done?
It looks like I can't do it through the input filter module.



uzbekjon’s picture

use hook_validate and hook_submit to modify imput data...

Sites for uzbek and Uzbekistan:
Uzbek Lyrics Database
Uzbekistan Forum

pwolanin’s picture

If you disallow <a> tags in the filter settings, users won't be able to post clickable links. If you want to totally disallow URLs, etc, you have a couple options: Use hook_nodeapi with the 'validate' op, and look at the urlfilter module to see how it picks out URLS. With this option, the user will get an error if they post a URL, and their post won't be accepted until they remove it. You could also implement something like urlfilter that prevents the display of URLs.

Work: BioRAFT

pwolanin’s picture

yes, unfortunately different default filters per user role is not a feature that made it into 5.x even.

So, you'd have to make the most restrictive filter the default.

Work: BioRAFT