
I am running a magazine website with drupal and I am looking for a way to:

- give more users access control
- give users the ability to edit other users posts

I was expecting to find both of these in the drupal core but I couldn't find them. Any help is appreciated :)



cog.rusty’s picture

In /admin/user/access, in the node module section, if you give a user role "administer nodes" permission they can do anything with anyone's nodes.

If you don't want to give them something so powerful, you can use the taxonomy_access module to set up what exactly each role can do with nodes tagged with certain categories.

erikp’s picture

Thank you for your answer.

I did enable that option. However, he is not able to edit my posts (although he is seeing the 'edit' button in admin/content/node - he is denied access). Could this have something to do with the fact that I am an administrator?

cog.rusty’s picture

I just tested it just in case it was a bug and it works (both in 4.7 and in 5). A user who has "administer nodes" and nothing else can edit and save posts of user #1 without any problem.

Possible causes of failure:
- User #1 has the same post open at the same time.
- The post was written with Full HTML or PHP or an input format which the new user (let's call him "moderator") is not allowed to use. In this case, also give the moderator access to all input formats (if he is trusted/competent enough with php ).

erikp’s picture

ah that was my problem :) my user wasn't allowed to edit full html posts. isn't this strange that these aren't listed in the access roles? Also, shouldn't there be some feedback when the user is denied access about the reason why?

anyway thanks a lot!