I have enabled the video support (admin/settings/lightbox2 - video settings). I have installed jw-player (path: /mediaplayer/player.swf) and I have added flashvars (&backcolor=111111&frontcolor=cccccc&lightcolor=66cc00&controlbar=over&autostart=true&).

I created a block, disabled the editor for the body of the block and have put the following code:

<a title="YouTube example" rel="lightvideo[width:500px;height:400px;]" href="http://youtube.com/v/x6Ht-xmvFtE" class="lightbox-processed">YouTube example</a>

The issue I keep having is that after clicking on the link, it directs to YouTube and does not open the lightbox. I have tried the path with and without the leading slash, I have tried with and without flashvars, different flashvars.

Thank you,


mark@redhorseinteractive.com’s picture

mark@redhorseinteractive.com’s picture

You have to specify a flash player in the lightbox2 configurations video settings still. Just put any old .swf file there in the path settings. It seems odd but I guess it's what it wants. (I was using Drupal 7 but am sure it is the same with 6)