My configuration (overview)


Parent 1
-- Child 1
-- Child 2
Parent 2
-- Child 3
-- Child 4

Nodes don't have parent terms.


Relationship: Taxonomy parent
Fields: Taxonomy term (parent from relationship), Nid, Aggregate
Filters: Node type, Vocabulary (parent from relationship)
Group on: Taxonomy term (parent from relationship)
Aggregate: Nid
Sort: Taxonomy term (parent from relationship)

Term: Parent 1
Nid count: 14
Term: Parent 1
Nid count: 20
Term: Parent 2
Nid count: 18
Term: Parent 2
Nid count: 31

So, there is a separate entry for each child.

Is it possible to achieve something like:

Term: Parent 1
Nid count: 34
Term: Parent 2
Nid count: 49


burlap’s picture

Title: Aggreate all children of a taxonomy term » Aggregate all children of a taxonomy term

corrected a typo

mgabud’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

did you manage to do this with views or did you have to use custom code?
I'm trying to do the same thing and just can't find the solution...