processing 8.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Please see the file for detailed configuration and usage documentation.


  • Provides a settings form to configure processing.js library path.
  • Automated tests

processing 8.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes

Development branch


  • Initial Drupal 8 version with input filter with base configuration.
  • Does not require libraries module as that module is not ready to manage Drupal 8 front end dependencies.

processing 7.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 7 development branch. Straight port from Drupal 6 with the following changes:

  • Using new text format system in Drupal 7.
  • Changed configuration path to "admin/config/content/processing"

processing 6.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

Processing.js 1.0 release.

Please see the included README file for more details.

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