Is it possible to have an explosed list of all attributes for a product ?
For example: I have the product category t-shirt with size attributes L, M and S then add a new product my-t-shirt of t-shirt kind. Actually the catalog shows only one row for my-t-shirt, but could it be possible to have three lines (my-t-shirt L, my-t-shirt M and my-t-shirt S) ?
Thanks In Advance !


mandreato’s picture

Also, in addition to filter by attribute, it would be very useful to order by attribute...
Using the same example as above, one customer may want to show all t-shirt products ordered by size (actually it's only possible to filter the t-shirts by specific size).

Moreover, there is no automatic reset of filters: for example when a customer choose the red color for t-shirts, that is kept also in other catalog pages; so if the customers leaves the t-shirts page to browse the sweaters, only the red sweaters are shown (customer have to manually reset the filter to all).
I think instead that filters should be valid only for the page (category) they are set on, and should be resetted when changing page --> switching from red t-shirts to sweaters should show all sweaters...
What do you think about it ?