webform_mysql_views 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

* Webforms with titles longer than 64 characters are truncated when creating the MySQL View name
* Webform Component Form Key Names are truncated to less than or equal to 50 characters when creating the MySQL View
* The {node}.nid is only appended to the view name if a duplicate view exists
* The {webform_component}.cid is appended to a view column name if a duplicate column name exists in that view (multiple webform components with the same title)
* Correctly check requirements

webform_mysql_views 6.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

The 6.x-2.x branch should integrate better with views when you have larger webforms or webforms with fieldsets that each contain similarly named fields. It also provides clearer field names in the Views UI and groups these fields by webform.

Please give it a try and report any bugs you find. Please do not use it on production sites yet.

webform_mysql_views 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

Create a development release to allow some more widespread testing of newly applied bugfixes.

webform_mysql_views 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

This release fixes a few bugs, and provides automatic integration with the Data & Views modules as theorized by Itangalo and implemented by Frega. (Many thanks!)

webform_mysql_views 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

* Fixed #1005606 - Omit fieldset components
* Fixed #1005600 - View breaks if a field allows multiple values
* Updated README.txt to address #1006648, confusion about
MySQL Views vs Drupal Views
* Added CHANGELOG.txt

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