Use a third-party CSS or JS Framework, a self-hosted service like a CRM, or a third-party service with the site.

DL Highchart

Tracks clicks and file downloads, and displays reports using interactive highcharts.

TWBS lessphp

Please refer to TWBS LESS for complete LESS support in both server/client side mod


Logo created by Tableau Software ( and shared under CC BY-SA 3.0

The Tableau module gives site builders access to components of a Tableau server. These components are exposed as entities to Drupal, where you can render them in several different ways, as well as from within Views.

This module is specifically for licensed Tableau installations for which you have database access.

TWBS Font Awesome

A simple helper module for TWBS, handle Font Awesome library initialization.

TWBS jQuery

A helper module for TWBS, upgrade the version of jQuery in Drupal core to corresponding


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