Manage or improve the site's search engine ranking by running audits, assessing metrics, or making the site’s content and data more digestible by search engines.


The huggingface module is a API module that features a core module can talk to the inference API of Huggingface.

Breadcrumbs Field

This module provides a computed field for entities to expose their breadcrumbs using core breadcrumbs service.

Token Url Plus

Adds some current-page:url token variations that are geared for customized canonical urls that contain query parameters.


With WEB-T, you can effortlessly expand your reach by translating both new and existing content into multiple languages without the need to learn any new, complicated editing interfaces.

Alt image generate

This module provides functionality for quickly signing alternative text for images. On the configuration pages, you can select for which image fields you can specify the mass alt text


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